Channel: 4You AutoManija
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: ford everest new modelnew everest2022 everestэверест 2022новый форд эверестфорд внедорожникиford suvs2022 форд эверестэверестford everest 2022новый эверестфорд эверест2022 ford everesteverest 2022форд эверест новая модельnew ford everest2022 эверестeverestford everestфорд эверест 2022
Description: Ford Everest 2022 is the result of the second major restyling. The shape of the body of the SUV has changed to a large extent, the concept of safety and comfort of the driver and passengers has been revised. And, of course, the new SUV received powerful new-generation engines, depending on the configuration - gasoline or diesel. 2022 Generation Ford Everest: The Ford Everest SUV was designed for Asian markets and was largely identical to the Ford Ranger pickup truck. Conceptually, the 2022 Ford Everest is a complete analogue of the well-known Mitsubishi Pajero Sport, Toyota Fortuner and Isuzu MU-X: a mid-size five-door SUV built on a pickup truck frame platform. The Ford model is also produced in Thailand and sold mainly in Asia and Australia.