Channel: ParrMr
Category: Education
Tags: p-wavesfocusliquefactionearthquakestiltmetersay you won’t let gorichtermr. parraftershocksmagnitudesatellitestensionplatessurfacelocal soilfaultcreep metergpscrustseismographs-wavesjames arthurshearingmercalli intensitylaser-ranging devicestsunamiscompressionparrmr
Description: The Focus From Below- “Say You Won’t Let Go”, by James Arthur Deep down in the dark The rock in busts The ground it feels as though It’s breaking up The fault it fights which way Gives it a nudge Earthquakes they will happen When the pressure’s up Then the plates moving like motors For a minute moving fast not slower They’re pulling, pushing, they are stressed Compression – together closer Shearing is side to side motion Tension is when the rock is stretched Earthquakes will happen when Thought you should know Caused by plates they move when the rock is letting go The waves are moving through And damage is shown But they’re gonna stay with you Until it starts to slow The focus from below Just where crust will let go It wakes you up when you’re asleep in bed It’s called Mercalli Intensity it’s said Richter, it is the tool Magnitude size And seismograph will start side to side Then the plates moving like motors For a minute to an hour I told ya The plates they dance with waves right now, oh And P-waves a punch compress tremor And S-waves they’re side to side causing terror The surface waves will roll somehow Satellites see plates move And GPS shows Laser-ranging devices beams across the fault Tiltmeter water’s here Fills up the bulb Creep meter-wire is used See movement from the post The focus from below Just where crust will let go The waves are passing through All earth we know Seismograph sees seismic waves Magnitude, how far from Liquefaction it will Make mud come out Changes in ground, loose rocks part Local soil now So aftershocks are earthquakes too Now everybody knows Tsunamis come from the sea Plates lift and water goes The waves move out and grow The waves move out and grow The focus from below Just where crust will let go