Channel: Curious Droid
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: bf109merlin v 12 engineta 152fw-190dcurious droidkurt tankfocke wolffocke wulf 190p-51 mustangp-51d mustangspitfire mk9rolls royce merlinnorth american aviationpaul shillitojunkers jumo 213fw-190db 601 enginepackard merlin v 12spitfire mk5p-47 thunderbolt
Description: To get 70% off with the NordVPN 3-year deal plus 1 month free with the coupon code "curiousdroid" deal here: Coupon code: curiousdroid The FW-190 and P-51 Mustang are regarded by many as in the very top tier of fighter aircraft used in WW2, both had started off with more lowly expectations but through good design and upgrades by the end of the war, they were at the top of their respective airforces but was there a clear winner, in this video we try to find out. Written, researched and presented by Paul Shillito Images and footage: USAAF, RAF, German Ministry of Defence, NAA, Rolls Royce A big thank you also goes to all our Patreons too :-) Alan Johns Allan Versaevel Alok G Singh Andrew SMITH Brian Kelly Cameron Elliot Carl Soderstrom Cash Garman Cody Belichesky Collin Copfer Damien Pasche Daniele Noacco Dylan Leblanc Giacomo Catenazzi Gio Pagliari Henri Saussure Johan Rombaut john edwards Jonathan Merage Jonathan Travers Juerg Hurni Kai Spuhler Kevin Hinnen Laurent Steck Lorne Diebel László Antal Marco Mangen Peter Barber Prashanth Ruthala Pyloric Sami Tirkkonen SHAMIR Sk1er steel stefan hufenbach Steve J - LakeCountySpacePort Vincent Walt Dennig Music from the Youtube library RIde of the Valkyries by Wagner Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven John Stockton Slow Drag by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Source: Artist: Night Snow by Asher Fulero Float by Emily A. Sprague