Channel: Jeff Favignano
Category: Gaming
Tags: microsoft flight simulator 2020thrustmaster tcabig radials msfsbig radials goosebig radials grumman goosejfavignanoepisodeaerosoftthrustmaster tca boeing yoke packgrumman goosemicrosoftbig radialsflight simulator 2020tcaflight simulatorseriesthrustmaster tca boeing yoke standalonemicrosoft flight simulator
Description: Checking out the newly released Grumman Goose by Big Radials for MSFS! We are flying out of Choelquoit Lake before heading south to Chilko Lake. TCA Yoke Boeing Edition: Thrustmaster TPR - Big Radials Grumman Goose - Choelquoit Lake Resort Scenery - FSRealistic - My Nvidia in-game overlay settings Brightness/Contrast Exposure 0% Contrast 0% Highlights -4% Shadows 66% Gamma 0% Color Tint Color 0% Tint Intensity 0% Temperature -14 Vibrance 0 0:00 Intro and Engine Start 2:35 Taxi and Takeoff 4:57 Climb Towards Chilko 8:31 First Landing 10:11 Taxi and Takeoff II 13:12 Second Landing 14:51 Takeoff South to Chilko 16:29 Flight Over Chilko Lake 17:52 Water Landing 20:03 Engine Shutdown and Airplane Overview Merch Store - Twitter - jefffavignano Instagram - jfavignano Snapchat - jfavignano