Channel: Donna Eden Energy Medicine
Category: Education
Tags: eden methodenergy medicine techniquestitanya dahlinhow to heal yourselfbenefits of energy healingeden energy medicinefloss your adrenalsenergy medicinedonna edenhealing with energylongevity energy medicineenergy healingbenefits of energy medicineenergy healing techniquesback painenergy medicine healingadrenalsenergy medicine donna edenbenefits of alternative medicinedonna eden 5 minute energy exercises
Description: Have you ever had a lower back pain so intense that nothing could relieve it? Well it may actually be your adrenals. If you are doing too much, feeling overwhelmed with stress, or your hands are in too many different places, your adrenals may suffer. Your adrenals are right above your kidneys and this affects your lower back and your vitality as well. This exercise will keep your adrenals strong and supple. Join Titanya Dahlin in Santa Barbara, California for this week's energy minute! Facebook: YouTube: Note: Energy Medicine is not a regulated medical practice or a practice that diagnoses or treats illnesses of body or mind, though it may be a complement to such practices. Please read our Legal Disclaimers: