Channel: Patafoin
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: let's gosylveoneeveevaporeonpichuanimatecutevulpixblendereeveelutionswitchumbreon3dweavilemodelpokemon gofunnymentalieespeonaqualienymphaliepokemonsonicevolieleafeongopyrolienoctalieanimationmayaglaceonjolteonvoltaliegivraliepatafoineievuianimatedpikachuphilaliepokémonイーブイfamilyflareon
Description: What Flareon is doing right now? The Pokémon trainner Jean-Yves spend his holiday on a giant boat, However his eeveelution has run off! Time to search them all! Pokémon 3D animation made with Blender Cycle render 2.9 Most model belong to Game Freaks Voice Acting by : Argick Pokemon name : Eevee Name : Plume Gender : Female Flareon Name : Fripon Gender : Male Vaporeon Name : Lism Gender : female Jolteon Name : Murdock Gender : Male Espeon Name : Legend Gender : Male Umbreon Name : Vaïda Gender : Female Leafeon & Glaceon Name : Moroes & Triangly (It's not the same one from the pokemon sprite series) Gender : Male & Male brother Pokemon : Sylveon Name : Sillis Gender : Male Trainner : Jean-Yves #pokemon #eevee #animation music used in order : - Pokémon Sword/shield: The city with the Grass gym leader - FF7 : Chocobo race - Mother 2 : Get on the bus Patreon : My discord :