Channel: Massee Media
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: maine2ft gaugetwo foot gaugeforneyturntable0-4-4two-footfarmingtonsteam locomotivenarrow gaugewatervillesteam trainlocomotivesteamwiscassetbrigton & saco rivertrain
Description: The Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington Railroad was a two-foot narrow gauge common carrier railroad that operated from 1894 until 1933. The line ran from Wiscasset in the south, to Albion and Winslow in the north, never making it to either Waterville or Farmington. The Great Depression brought about the railroad’s scrapping in 1937. The WW&F Railway Museum was founded in 1989 to restore and rebuild the original railroad. 2.5 miles of railroad have been rebuilt to date, plus original cars and a locomotive. This video, shot in January of 2017 features beautiful winter railroading scenes of days gone by. Featuring WW&F locomotive #9 (former Sandy River and Rangley Lakes #5 and 6) and visiting locomotive #3 originally from the Monson Railroad. Both are 0-4-4 Forney type locomotives. Highlights include the new turntable, double headers, a flying cut-off of a helper locomotive, yard switching, and more.