Channel: Izzy Snapshots
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: collegei miss it alreadytime tothruhahayeetready to chillaxbeautifulget this breadthis weekschoolshoutoutmebarnarddining halldaywownewinboldmytagstransferfinalscolumbiavlogstudyweekcityuniversityforlollifegettingroutinelibraryandsadartsoutfitterstimelapsewinter breakeverydaytheurbanyorkcan't believe its overnycsemestertofunfirstliberal
Description: i love my bold beautiful transfer experience also i've been sitting here watching mukbangs waiting for my video to upload and i feel very inspired... i think i want to make a mukbang video at some point over winter break also here is that article we stayed up until 2 for: