Channel: The8BitDrummer
Category: Music
Tags: 8 bit8bit drummerthe8bitdrummerdrummer reactsdrummer reacts tofinal fantasy xivthe8bitdrummer smileton cover8bitdrummerthe8bitdrummer endwalker coverfinal fantasyffxiv8 bitdrummerdrumming highlightsdrumming twitchfinal fantasy xiv endwalker8bitdrummer twitchtwitch highlightssmiletonthe 8 bit drummerdrumming youtubethe8bitdrummer final fantasy cover
Description: Dude... Smileton is such a fun instance... The music is great, the humor is great... and I LOVE LOPORRITS! XD Yet another wonderful track from Final Fantasy XIV OG VID - --- WATCH LIVE ON TWITCH! Mon, Tues, Fri and Sat at 4:30 PM Eastern! GET CONNECTED! The8BitDrummer on all socials! Business Email | Be sure to comment and let me know if you enjoyed watching! It really helps and I love hearing what y'all have to say! :D If you would like more crazy drumming action, SUBSCRIBE! Join the Party!!! I really hope you enjoy the videos! God bless! Take care! ROCK ON!!!