Channel: LGR
Category: Gaming
Tags: petsdeluxe editionjapansimulationclub anthempetzdogzvoice controlledjapanesemusicreviewbirdsci-figamesweatherplanet teogiga petsanimalsmicrophonedolphinfujitsudigital petcreaturesfootagefinfinwhistleosamu90sgameplaygameoddballzvirtual petmiclazy game reviewscatzsmartsensoralien1997seamancomputer1996pet-raisingworldthe other earthlgrsimaudiogamingcontrollervideo gamemotionwindowsfin finpctezukamakotodigimontamagotchi
Description: An LGR retrospective about Fujitsu's Fin Fin on Teo the Magic Planet, a (sort of) voice-controlled virtual pet for Windows PCs from 1996! Specifically the 1997 US Deluxe Edition that came with a plastic bird whistle and its own microphone. The press were enamored with FinFin for a time but it seems to have disappeared almost entirely from the public consciousness in the years since. So let's befriend this weird alien dolphin bird from the 90s! ● LGR links: ● Music courtesy of: #LGR #Retro #Gaming