Channel: GoldenTot
Category: Gaming
Tags: ffhohsoutherngoldentotengagementcriticaleurekasouthern frontfinal fantasyfunny momentsff14fatesgoldentotproductionsbozja citadelmomentsfirst impressionsshadowbringers eurekapotdffxiv reactionbozjacitadelsamfunnyfantasy14reactionxivfinal fantasy xivsillytateffxivsillinessffxiv shadowbringersimpressionscritical engagementgrindbozjan southern frontkossuelfinalshadowbringersbozjanfrontfirst
Description: This is, so far, exactly what I wanted it to be. Other notes not included: I do wish you got more tomes from activities. I love the content, and have been craving a good grind like this since Eureka stopped being relevant! Maybe I'll see you guys in here on Primal & Crystal. :D Edited by - Stream - Twitter -