Channel: flugsnug
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: planespottermadeira airport portugalarrivalsportugalairport landings and takeoffsairport landing videocrosswindairlinesboeing 737madeiraairport landing and takeoffskyaeropuertosimulatorpilottakeoffislandaircraftairplane take offairlinersboeingtake offoffmadeira airport landingairportairplanestakelandingboeing 747 landingairplanemadeira airport approachmadeira airportplane spottingplane take off
Description: EXTREME Landings of Various Airlines in Madeira Airport. Windy Landings & Aircrafts in Madeira Airport. Compilation of various complicated landings We are a huge community of airplane lovers. If you have some unique video about amazing flights, landings or airplanes, please share with our community sending the video to this email: info at linktomedia dot net. »» (ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT) ««