Channel: TFP Student Action
Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Tags: abortionhuman rightsgeorge washington universityjohns hopkins universitydestroys abortion narrativedebatepro-choiceright to liferoe v wadecatholic studentsliberalismfaith in actionpregnancychange my mindprolife vs prochoiceactivismabortion on demanduniversity of delawarecolumbia universityprayerfeminismprolifemanhoodpro-lifetfp
Description: Help us defund Planned Parenthood by clicking here: What I saw at Columbia University was shocking. As we unfurled our banner, “Pray and Act to End the Sin of Abortion,” Ivy League students turned to each other in total disbelief: “Are they allowed to do that here?” they questioned, followed by, “Make it [TFP] go away!” But pro-life TFP volunteers do not just go away to make pro-abortion students happy. So debates erupted everywhere peppered by the tired mantra – “My body, my choice.” During the intense debating, a pro-abortion woman ran up and stole a box of our 10 Reasons to Protect the Unborn fliers, but she failed. We got them back. This video highlights debates between those who are pro-life vs those who called themselves “pro-choice.” These debates took place on four differences college campuses: Columbia University, Johns Hopkins University, The University of Delaware, and The George Washington University. #abortion #debate #woke