Channel: ExcelIsFun
Category: Education
Tags: extract records for invoices 30 days past dueshow past due invoicesexcel invoicingformulas and functionspast due invoiceshighline collegemike girvinemtlateexcel is funexcel magicexcel formula to show past due invoicesexcel functionsexcel fun45 days past dueexcel magic trick 1776exceldynamic excel formula methodemt 1776filter functionmicrosoft 365 exceltoday functioncreate invoice in excelexcel 365excel formulasexcelisfun
Description: Download Excel File: Learn how to build a simple formula to automatically extract invoices that are 1 to 30 days past . Topics: 1. (00:00) Introduction 2. (00:27) History about how to do it in Any Version of Excel. 3. (02:02) FILTER Function Method. TODAY function and Text Formula too. 4. (05:20) Summary 5. (05:47) Closing and Video Links