Channel: cuddleofdeath
Category: Gaming
Tags: how todreams levelsmemeworldsbadthiccdreamsgoodtipsbuildingps4playstationsonyps5reviewbig chungusdream ps4createcreative levelstutorialguidefunnydreams ps4creatormappingdreams dreamsmemesuser dreamsadventurehelpmedia moleculedreamwalkthroughplaythroughgameplay
Description: Thank you to Playstation for sponsoring this video! We received a free copy of Dreams for the PS4 to check out. Dreams is made by Media Molecule, the same company that made Little Big Planet. We have wanted to check the game out for quite some time. It does have a pretty awesome story mode! However, the biggest focus of Dreams is on the user-created levels (called Dreams). In this video, we explore two user-created Dreams (one being "Thicc Adventures"). I'm super excited to check out the game more. What did you think? Let us know in the comments section below.