Channel: Exploring Abandoned Mines and Unusual Places
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: mountainshistoric roadsold highwaysellis wayside rest areaabandoned highwayfhoodhighway 80forgotten highwaysus route 80east countyabandoned rest areaold highway 80unusual placesus 80abandoned rest stopabandoned highwaysexploring an abandoned rest area? from the 1930s? on abandoned highway 80? yes!hikingrest stopadventureabandoned roadsdescansoold roadsforgotten roadsabandoned roadsan diego countydescanso wellroute 80
Description: Ready to explore an abandoned, 1930s rest area on abandoned Highway 80 in the mountains of San Diego County? It was named the Ellis Wayside Rest Area and was a popular rest stop. Before we hike to it, though, we'll turn off Route 80 onto a dilapidated side road in search of the old Descanso well down in a ravine. We'll come across a mildly disturbing campsite hidden in the woods and get surprised by two military helicopters flying overhead. After that, we'll return to Highway 80 and continue down to the abandoned Ellis Wayside Rest Area where we'll explore the impressive cistern and catch basin that contained the sparkling spring water which refreshed many weary travelers between the 1930s and the 1960s. It's a great hike down some of California's forgotten highway history, and I'm certainly glad to have you following along with me! So what exactly was Highway 80? And what killed it? Remember that famous song with the lyric that said, "Get your kicks on Route 66!"? That lyric refers to the other more famous coast-to-coast highway known as Route 66. However, Route 80 was another highway that went across the country from Savannah, Georgia in the east all the way to San Diego, California in the west. That's about 2400 miles (3862 km) to you and me. Highway 80 was located south of its Route 66 cousin and was certainly never as famous as Route 66 was. And nobody took the time to immortalize Route 80 into a song, either. "Get your kicks on Route 80!" just doesn't sound as catchy. Many people in those days, however, made their way into California by driving Route 80 instead of Route 66. The road was built in the early 1930s to replace portions of the old wooden plank road that I recently featured in another video, and the road was in use until the 1960s when the modern Interstate 8 freeway was built to replace it. Cars haven't driven down the off-limit remnants of Highway 80 in decades, and in many places the road is nearly overgrown thus making for an exciting and interesting hike. #EllisWaysideRestArea #OldHighway80 #AbandonedRoads #EllisWaysideRestStop #Highway80 #AbandonedHighways #USRoute80