Channel: Dark Exploration Films
Category: Entertainment
Tags: ueexplorationexploringurbandanbellproperpeopleexploringwithjoshurbex
Description: Bring your popcorn as today we are going to the movies, but unfortunately no shows are playing at this time. Instead we step inside this Retro Movie Theater abandoned in 2019. With power left on, we are free to walk around this abandoned nostalgia wasteland from the past. Its been years since I've been to the movies and sadly I cannot say when I will be returning due to global shutdowns. Places like this bring back fond childhood memories, seeing a place that echoed laughter and taught many people life lessons through cinema lies dusty and decrepit, a counter opposite of what it was like in its heyday. If you happen to enjoy the video, a thumbs up would be greatly appreciated to support my work to uncover and film what is left abandoned, and Subscribe for more videos if you please. Have a good day and stay safe. Instagram @Dark.Exploration