Channel: Sharby
Category: Entertainment
Tags: caught on tapeexploring abandoned homesold housedecayhouseghosturban exploringscaryabandonedexploring abandoned houseparanormalexploring haunted houseexplorationexploresneaking intoabandoned placesabandoned explorerexploring abandonedhaunted househomeabandoned buildingsexploringhauntedhaunted abandoned housesneaking into haunted houseurban explorationleft behindsharbyvloghaunted placesabandoned housecreepyurbex
Description: My friend and I decided to go explore a abandoned house. This place is also known to be a haunted house. It was a very old wooden home/farmhouse in the middle of nowhere in canada ontario. It was such a mess in there and it smelled really bad. The place looked like it was going to collapse at any time. Smash that like button and subscribe if you're new! Previous exploring video: Instagram: Twitter: If you're reading this i love you :) #SharbySquad Thank you all so much to everyone who supports my videos it means the world to me :)