Channel: Exploring Abandoned Mines and Unusual Places
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: mountainsabandoned minefhoodmine tunnelabandoned mine hikemining historypack ratspackratsabandoned minesunusual placesmine explorationexploring minesratsabandonedmine tunnelssilver minemine shafthiking to minesold minesdangerous minesminesexploring a small abandoned mine that is a home for many pack ratsdesert hikingexploring abandoned mines and unusual placesdesertfinding abandoned mines
Description: Pack Rat Estates. Sounds like a pretty swanky place to live -- if you're a pack rat! That's what we discovered in this small, abandoned mine that I explored and documented with Nick and Traci from the Miner49er YouTube channel ( We aren't sure what was mined here -- possibly silver -- but now pack rats have taken up residence in the farthest reaches of the mine amidst the gobbing (stacked rocks). It seems pack rats prefer to make their nests in gobbing because I've seen gobbing used as nests countless times in these abandoned mines. Nick’s video of this mine is here if you want to check out things from his perspective: When collaborating with another explorer, it’s always interesting to compare and contrast each video. We all seem to have different styles and different ways of filming while underground. One of us will catch details that the other explorer missed and vice versa. #ExploringAbandonedMines #AbandonedMines #MineExploring #UndergroundExploration