Channel: LasVegasBarbie
Category: Comedy
Tags: lasvegasbarbiewild kittendrooling catcuddlescheetahclouded leopardkissservalskittenexotic catbetweenserval affectionafrican servaltigerlas vegaslionzeusleopardlove bitesserval bitesaffectionwild petloveexotic petwomanservalprankprankslolbaby kittenlickscutekittydroolingandcatzeustheservalexoticwild animalbootykissing catlovesblack leopardbondlickingexotic animalbaby catsafricanwild catkissescat bites
Description: This shows how the bond between my Serval and I has grown over the past year and a half. Zeus is my baby boy and I am his momma. This is the cutest cat video in my eyes. I adore my boy. Zeus's Channel: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: