Channel: yep4andy
Category: Entertainment
Tags: yixingexo funny momentsexo being exoexo being extra엑소exo 2022suho instagramexo eng subkyungsoo세훈zhang yixingsuho livestreambaekhyun찬열baekhyun youtubekaijonginchanyeolexo memesexo suho is back and he speaks english nowjunmyeonsuho military카이시우민kyoongtubeexoexo tiktokfunnysuhochenbaekhyun youtube channeld.o백현laysuho 2022xiuminsehunsuho dischargeexo lkpopjongdaeexo ot9수호첸exo comebackyep4andy
Description: #EXO #SUHO omg y'all I literally lost it watching this live, he speaks fluent english now sjsjklslskjs I MISSED HIM LOL . . . someone reuploaded this livestream: . tags: kai, sehun, suho, xiumin, chen, yixing, baekhyun, chanyeol, kyungsoo, suho military enlistment discharge livestream 2022, exo tiktok suho instagram live 021722 english EXO Suho is back and he speaks fluent English now . . if you wanna follow me on other social media: my second channel: my instagram: my tiktok: