Channel: Genetically Modified Skeptic
Category: Education
Tags: jehovahs witnessesinside a cultex-jehovah's witnessjehovah's witness cult compoundatheismtelltalejehovah's witnessatheistwhat do jehovah's witnesses believejwagnosticdisfellowshipped jehovah's witnessex jware jehovah's witnesses a cultbethelwatchtower societyex-jwcult compoundjehovah's witness world headquartersgenetically modified skepticskepticismwarwickdisfellowshippedskepticgm skepticapostatetelltale atheist
Description: Patreon: PayPal: The Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult, and like any cult, they have a compound. The Jehovah's Witness world headquarters at Warwick, New York, is very particular about the way it's portrayed in media, wishing to control as much circulating information about it as possible. Owen of the channel Telltale is an ex-Jehovah's Witness who was disfellowshipped (shunned) at 18 and cut off from his family. He's now a proud apostate and activist against the Watchtower Society. He and I visited the headquarters posing as JWs in hopes of simply learning what it was like, but our story took a turn as soon as we arrived. Eventually, we were stopped by security, and made clear that they didn't want us there. -------------------------------------------FOLLOW------------------------------------------- Twitter: Facebook: Discord: Follow Telltale: Shot and edited by Jeremy Levy. Check out Aurora, his video production company: He and his team produce all kinds of videos, but take a special interest in philosophy, religion, and atheist activism. Follow Jeremy: This video contains 100% therapeutic grade skepticism.* *This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA