Channel: C TECH
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: solve decimal problem in excellearn excelnumber to currency symbol in excelc techcurrency symbol
Description: Excel Trick अब नहीं होंगे आप परेशान Currency Symbol ₹ and Decimal Problem Solve. Friends, if you want to change the number format in Excel with the help of shortcut to currency format and also want to remove decimals, then with the help of this shortcut you can easily change from number format to currency format and you You can prepare your sheet very quickly and easily thanks. General format. = Ctrl + Shift + ~ Currency format. = Ctrl + Shift + $ Percent format. = Ctrl + Shift + % Date format. = Ctrl + Shift + # Time format. = Ctrl + Shift + @ Number format. = Ctrl + Shift + ! Scientific format. = Ctrl + Shift + ^ #excel #learnexcel #ctech