Channel: Interactive English
Category: Education
Tags: euphemisms for sexlearn euphemismsinteractive englishenglish euphemismscommon euphemismseuphemism meaningeuphemisms in moviesdefine euphemismeuphemism examplescommon english euphemismseuphemism figure of speecheuphemisms in englishpopular euphemismslearn english idiomseuphemisms talk about peopleenglish idiomseuphemism examples sentenceslearn englisheuphemisms for death
Description: Join our email community. Get lesson updates & access the Secret Fluency Lesson 📬 👉 -------------------------- HELP SUPPORT INTERACTIVE ENGLISH 💖 Become a Member on YouTube 🎊 👉 Support Our Lessons On Patreon (awesome rewards) 🎉 👉 -------------------------- ABOUT THE LESSON 📚 If you don't want to say something because it's too direct, rude, or even embarrassing, you should use a euphemism instead. They're more polite, pleasant, and even fun to say. So let's talk about some euphemisms that native speakers use them all the time and that you need to know. If you would like to review, here are the euphemisms from the lesson. 1. over the hill 2. (someone's) better half 3. hearing impaired 4. hard of hearing 5. downsizing 6. early retirement 7. the birds and the bees 8. carnal knowledge 9. (to be) expecting 10. to have a bun in the oven 11. to put down 12. (someone) is in a better place LESSON CHAPTERS 0:00 What are euphemisms? 1:00 Euphemisms to Describe People 4:09 Euphemisms to Talk about Business 5:45 Euphemisms about Sex and Pregnancy 10:03 Euphemisms about Death #InteractiveEnglish #Euphemisms -------------------------- LINKS TO PRACTICE & IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH ✅ Improve Your Listening w/ Audiobooks. FREE TRAIL! Eliminate Writing Mistakes ✍ Grammarly: Wes’ Teaching Adventures 🌎 Happy Time Go Fast (South Korea): Watermelon Is Life (Namibia): **Please know that links to Audible and Grammarly are affiliate links. We earn commission through these links. -------------------------- FOLLOW INTERACTIVE ENGLISH 👍 Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: -------------------------- OTHER SHOUT-OUTS 💬 Royalty-free images provided by Pixabay -------------------------- MESSAGE TO YOU 😊 Thanks so much for being a part of our community. Learning English is an enriching experience that brings everyone all around the world closer together. Be sure to say “Hello” and write to us in the comments. We love hearing from all of you. THANKS FOR WATCHING!