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Escobar launched a new product - it’s their WORST ever.

Duration: 12:41Views: 3.3MLikes: 176.8KDate Created: Jan, 2022

Channel: Mrwhosetheboss

Category: Science & Technology

Tags: escobartechcryptocurrencymkbhdsmartphonemarques brownleescammrwhosethebosspablo escobariphonecrypto

Description: Unboxing our third (and hopefully final) package from the Escobars...and it's the weirdest one yet. Get Surfshark VPN at Surfshark.deals/boss - Enter promo code BOSS for 83% off and 3 months free! Thanks to Brian Jung for his help on this: youtube.com/channel/UCQglaVhGOBI0BR5S6IJnQPg The Last Escobar Atrocity: youtu.be/hRIT58zTiBE Subscribe for more content (IT'S FREE) : goo.gl/pLg6fE It would make my day if you could also follow me on: 🌈 Instagram: goo.gl/OUqBBa 🐦 Twitter: goo.gl/EFhwqL 😊 Facebook: goo.gl/Aluzl1 Amazon Affiliate links: Amazon US: goo.gl/3yS2aP Amazon UK: goo.gl/gvrsGZ My Filming Gear: bit.ly/35CuxwI Music is from Epidemic sound: share.epidemicsound.com/pHDFT

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