Channel: Olivia Cara
Category: Comedy
Tags: boyfriendescape halloween 2019my first raveedc las vegasinsomniac passporthalloweenalessoraver girlbiggest party in the worldrave experiencedeadmau5raveredcescape halloweenfestivalemma kapotesedc 2020halloween festival musicraveolivia caracountdown nye 2019girlfriendgrwmrl grimefestival outfitsinsomniacrave with memukbangparty with meolivia cara raveget ready with mecrazy party
Description: escape halloween 2019 was lit. biggest halloween party ever! i think i came to the conclusion i'll never stop raving.. and i've accepted it. come along with me for halloween weekend! ~*~*~ CODES ~*~*~ ♡ USE CODE: 'OLIVIAC' FOR 10% OFF YOUR extensions! it'll save u 10% on any hair. I wear the 24" clip ins in all my videos and photos! ♡ USE CODE: 'LOVEOC' FOR 20% OFF YOUR orders!!! ♡ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIAS! ♡ instagram: @olivia.cara twitter: @oliviaanc -- snapchat: oliviancara1 ♡ for business inquries please email: