Channel: CBN - The Christian Broadcasting Network
Category: Entertainment
Tags: biblical principleslove godlove peoplethe lessonthe greatest commandmentchristianity6286960297001theologywhy love is important when operating in the giftsthe lesson podcastcbnonlineyoutubeashley keypodcastthelessonwithgathe lesson 121521lesson podcastcan you love godhow to love godwhat does it mean to love godgordon robertson
Description: What’s the most important commandment? Gordon and Ashley take a look at Mark 12 where Jesus answers this question, and they discuss how we should respond as believers. Referenced: Mrk. 12:28-34; 1 Cor. 13:8 Timestamps: 0:00 - Introduction 0:44 - Holiday Break 3:10 - Love & The Spiritual Gifts 4:50 - Jesus's Love was Challenged 5:11 - Teaching on Mark 12:28 9:00 - Teaching on Mark 12:29-30 19:20 - Why CBN Exists 19:46 - Teaching on Mark 12:31 26:19 - A Great Prayer For All 29:20 - Love is Not Religious 37:30 - Love and Boundaries 40:10 - Ashley's Prayer for a Man She Met on a Plane 49:26 - Teaching on 1 Corinthians 13:8 53:35 - God Called the Whole World 59:50 - Pursue Love 1:03:36 - Gordon and Ashley Pray 1:05:40 - Next Week... The Lesson with Gordon Robertson and Ashley Key → Have you ever felt like you’re on autopilot with your faith? You’re just going through the motions, but deep down you know there’s something more? CBN’s latest podcast, The Lesson, is here to help you experience God on a new level. With powerful teachings, insights into Scriptures and inspiring testimonies, hosts Gordon Robertson and Ashley Key will empower you to believe and receive all that God has for you. NEW EPISODES RELEASED WEDNESDAYS AT 4PM, ET WATCH the 1st Episode: VIEW the FULL Playlist: FIND us on CBN Family: