Channel: Serenity17
Category: Gaming
Tags: rainbow six siegeacerainbow six siege acefragrainbow 6 siegesledgerainbow six siege new operatorspro leaguetacticrainbow six siege gameplayhighlightcaveirarainbow six gameplayrankedelarainbow six siege diamond gameplaysixgrenadetom clancy's rainbow six siegerainbow six siege iqnitro celltimingserenity17siegeiqpvptom clancy's rainbow six siege gameplayfamily friendlyrainbowc4rainbow six siege twitchrainbow six: siegestrategygameplay
Description: Highlights of some ranked games in Rainbow Six Siege including the time I saved myself from a c4 JUST in time. Whenever this happens to you, make sure to go for the person that threw the c4. Don't ever try to shoot them because the hitreg on them is horrible. You guys really like the IQ gameplay so I've been playing her some more. Enjoy! Thank you so much for the support as usual guys! (ALL RANKED) ADD ME ON SNAPCHAT: realserenity17 I started streaming a lot, give me a follow! (I usually start the stream between 12pm and 4pm EST) People in the video 909 491 Subs