Channel: Naked Science
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: planeeducationfuselageforcedfuelemergencyhistoricalaviationaeroplaneresearchcrticalaeronauticsjetwarningdescionannouncementfearmethodfootageloseheroicrunwaypressureengineeringhudsonboeingwaterinflightunscheduledpassengerfailurescienceflyingfinalcrazyviralundercarriagegearerrorcrewengineditchingskilltouchdowncameraeventdocumentarycockpitpilotstoriesaircraftcontrolproceduretechnologywronglandingtruthspectacularriverincident
Description: Subscribe to Naked Science – ‘Brace! Brace! Brace!’ – it’s the inflight announcement no passenger ever wants to hear. In this episode of Planes Gone Viral we feature caught on camera footage of just what it’s like to be involved in emergency landings from Alaska, the UK, Turkey and on the Hudson River in New York. And leading aviation experts explain how pilots are able to safely land stricken aircraft on land and on water – and just what happens when they get it wrong.