Channel: Secret21bobby
Category: Gaming
Tags: how tosylveoneondragongrookeysobblesplittowergenerationespeonnewglaceonfusionjolteonmoonflyinggen 2groundflareonmegashieldsteelumbreaonwhat if pokemon had more evolution stagesprimaleeveevaporeonbeastsuneeveelutioneightrockghostlegendaryextracattutorialpokemonmorecoolleafeonmythicalevolutionstonesecret21bobbyswordbugstagesscorbunny
Description: A fan theory suggests that the legendary beast pokemon Entei, Suicune, and Raikou were originally Flareon, Vaporeon, and Jolteon. But, what would the legendary beast look like if they were based on different eeveelutions? Artwork: Espeon as a Legendary Beast - Andrewsarchus Glaceon as a Legendary Beast - fero_ohki Leafeon as a Legendary Beast - pandaartspresso Umbreon as a Legendary Beast - Andrewsarchus Sylveon as a Legendary Beast - fero_ohki Music: Fast and Run - Nico Staf