Channel: eclat story
Category: Music
Tags: ransedhozellgenerasi 90anbentuk cintaslavinadukapop indonesiaahmadeclat bentuk cintacoverkaraokepianomusiclirikinfluencerlagu terbaruguitar coveryeshua abrahamcover lagueclat storygitarpensiunberenti youtubetop hits indonesiagoodbye youtubeacousticcover songselebgramindonesialagu sedihraffieclat ceritaexitgigilagu baruakustiktop 40 indonesiachordlagu jadulnagitaeclat cover
Description: #TalkshowBangKumis seperti talkshow pada umumnya, berisi interview, games dan performance dari guest star. Apa yang spesial? Kumis host kami. - - - - - - - - - - - Executive Producer Yosua Gunawan Assistant Producer Andreas Tobing Video Production by Dionisius Putra and Devina Juventia Audio Production by Yosua Gunawan Guest Star - Edhozell Venue by Startspace Gading Serpong Audio Gear by IMS Indo Pro Audio - - - - - - - - - - - ECLAT STORY ARE @eclatstoryofficial @louisxanderliang @yeshuaabraham @yosua_gunawan - - - - - - - - - - - SUBSCRIBE! We promise that we are going to sing sweet sounds for your ears! Feel free to love, share & leave a comment on the song! We love you! - - - - - - - - - - - BUSINESS INQUIRIES 081299777968