Channel: Victoria_Lilee Vids
Category: Entertainment
Tags: challenge videoswear itspicy food challengefamily friendlyeat it or wear it challengefun challengesfood challengevictoria and lilee vidsmessy challengeeating cat foodeat itvictoria and lileeeat it or wear it cahllengevictoria_lilee vidskid friendlyvictoria and lilee fanseat it or wear itgross food
Description: We finally did the Eat It or Wear It Challenge!!! It was so gross and some of the food was too hot to handle. Check it out to see who eats the cat food!!! Comment below on what you think the worst food item was and if you could eat it. Don't forget to click the like button and if you haven't done so already, please subscribe to our channel to be one of our #Viclees! Also, click that bell to make sure you are notified when we post new videos. Peace out!