Channel: Taryl Fixes All
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: hydrogearhow tocorrectusecraftsmanbuynumbersridernumbertransmissionfixdiyfindtuff torqmodeluptranbrandgearsallnavigatenewoldzero turnjohn deeretoughlooktoolmissionvintagemowertuffpartscub cadettransgearrepairbreakdownsealtorqueridingtorqfixestoolstrannypeerlesshowcomputergrasstractorkitratsrebuildlookupwebsitetaryl fixes allidentifygaragetarylpurchaserightfiltershusqvarnafilterserialonlineto
Description: In this video Taryl and Scott (from Tuff Torq) go over how to properly navigate the Tuff Torq site and also how to locate your transmission model/serial tag and how to find the correct parts you need. There's MANY different kits and filters for different transmissions so be sure to use your serial number to find the correct parts as shown by Scott in this here video. Just follow along to this here video and you'll be covered. And as always... There's Your Dinner!! Check out Tuff Torq's Website Here: Follow Tuff Torq On Facebook, Instagram & Twitter: Be sure to 'Like' Taryl & Co. on Facebook for all the current up-to-date events: Be sure to follow along on all the new projects on Instagram! @tarylfixesall Pick up YOUR Taryl Apparel Here! (Shipping Worldwide) Grass Rats Garage Theme Music Available!! Available on iTunes and other online vendors or pick up a physical copy on CD or Cassette Tape from the Taryl Online Store: #tufftorq #partslookup #transmission #smallenginerepair #funnyhowtovideos #grassratsgarage #diy #howto #parts #lookup #diagram #partsdiagram #partsbreakdown #tarylfixesall