Channel: MacRumors
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: iphone 14 pro maxios 16 betamac proiphone 14 projon rettinger wwdcios 16 leaksipados 16apple wwdc 2022ios 16 rumors2022 wwdcwatchos 9ios 16 release dateapple circle wwdcapple m2apple newsthe apple circleios 16wwdc 2022m2 chipm2 macbook airmacbook airjon rettingerandroid imessagemacos 13apple eventipad proiphone 14ios 16 featuresapple circle
Description: Apple has now officially announced WWDC 2022. In this episode, we’re joined by Jon Rettinger to talk early expectations and wishes about Apple’s new operating systems. Follow Jon’s work on his YouTube channel, or follow him on Twitter @Jon4Lakers. You can follow each of us on Twitter @danbarbera, @HartleyCharlton, and @SamiFathi_, and visit for all of the latest Apple news and rumors. This podcast is available on all major platforms including: Apple Podcasts - Spotify - Google Podcasts -