Channel: 2muchhair
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: hairstylingdeepronahairstylingminxeczemabalddietdry hairflakey scalpscratchdandruffdrizzlegonstead2muchhairflakesingrown hairflakey hairhealthysnowweave removalremoval2much hairasmrwinksdry skinweavedusty
Description: Business is slow to nonexistent during these glorious times, i felt it appropriate to dig deep into the bin of misfit videos. I probably would never have uploaded this super dusty extension removal video. See, I came in for a snowstorm and was presented with a light drizzle. To support this channel, I am grateful to accept cash donations at cashapp $CarlaTarkington I was finally gonna give you all a good dry scratching video ... tried! Follow me on instagram @2muchhair As always Thank You for your view, and BE NICE!! SONG LINK AT TELL HIM I SENT YA!!