Channel: Jc Adventure HD
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: cathedral façadejcadventurehddurham lumiere 2021technicolourpalma studioprojectprojector lazercamcorderflickering candlebuildingin our hearts blind hopemusicprojectorukdurham cathedral façadetrypodprojectionaudioeventmappingprojection mapping2021lumiere1920 1080plightingpeopledurham cathedralbasslumiere festivalbuilding projector mappingdurhamdurham lumierehdjc adventure hd
Description: Projection Mapping On DURHAM CATHEDRAL FAÇADE For Durham Lumiere 2021. IN OUR HEARTS BLIND HOPE. Composition and sound design by Richard Hammarton Please support my youtube by like commenting and subscribing second YouTube channel #durhamlumiere #lumiere