Channel: SalomonFreeskiTV
Category: Sports
Tags: japowsalomonskiingcody townsendjapanwinter sport (media genre)winterpowderoutdoorsalomon freeskiskikaj zackrissonmountainpowder (film)salomon freeski tvmike douglassnowfreeskiing (sport)
Description: Explore more at Salomon Freeski TV has now been moved to our main channel Salomon TV. 😀 To see more exciting content from the world of Freeski alongside our other sports, make sure to subscribe to Salomon TV. 🗻 After 8 seasons of Salomon Freeski TV, and thousands of comments from our fans begging for a chance to star in an episode, we’ve listened! For 3 weeks in December, Salomon Freeski TV viewers were given the chance to win their ultimate #freeskidreamtrip. The contest was simple – tell us where would you go and who would you would want to go with? On December 29th, 2014 10 winners were selected from a list of thousands, then one lucky fan received a phone call giving him the opportunity to live out his ultimate skiing fantasy in Japan with Mike Douglas, Cody Townsend, & Kaj Zackrisson.