Channel: Andrew James
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: benn tkkraig adamsa6500sonycinematic travel videobest walksíslanda7iiiskogafossbenn tk travel filmandrew jamesicelandselfossbenniceland travel filmislandiacinematic icelandiceland 4ksolo hiking vlogepic cinematicsolo hikingiceland national park4kisland 4kcinematictravelnational parksdettifoss
Description: Musicbed is by far my favorite music subscription service, you can find their high-quality music here and also receive a free 30-day trial - I’ve also recently come out with a custom playlist on Musicbed so you can see all of my favorite tracks that I’ve found on their site. Check that out here - ______________________________________ This past September I got the opportunity to travel to the land of fire and ice. I hope this video gives you a taste of my experience. ______________________________________ Follow me on Instagram @andrewjmes Huge thanks to everyone who helped make this video possible! @benn_tk @cuongtravels @vivi.explore @anikamanchanda_ @creativeclaygraphics @hilmarpall ______________________________________ a trip I’ll never forget.