Channel: Sarah Stephanie Landry
Category: Entertainment
Tags: art forms in naturemean girlshigh schoolpen and inkstorytimestory timeartistbest friendsbad friendsjellyfish drawingblack and white drawingreal time drawingthe year 2000high school dramadrawingdraw with mepopularsocial mediaartstoriesabstract arthigh school friendsnon objective abstract artfriendsanxietyart youtubery2ksketchbook storytimecodependenthigh school pressuregossipabstract drawingyoutube artisternst haeckel
Description: Hey, remember the year 2000? I do, and today's story time takes us waaaaay back to Y2K. It was my first year of high school, and the "popular girls" suddenly invited me to join their group. Membership came with a catch, though. Actually, it came with a few possessive, snobby, gossipy and demanding catches. Even with the added perspective of two decades, I still wonder, were the girls I went to school with totally off their rockers, or was I was the weird one? Am I right to think they were too codependent and manipulative, or were the sacrifices they expected typical of high school friends? Either way, I'm not just here to vent my twenty year old frustration. I start the video by showing a few of my drawings from back then as an example of how my style has evolved, then at the end of the video, in honour of MerMay, I do a quick flip through of one of my favourite art books, Ernst Haeckel's Art Forms in Nature. While the book isn't entirely aquatic, the cover image is a stunning jellyfish (that partially inspired the aesthetic of today's abstract black and white drawing,) and it includes stunning reproductions of lithograph plates filled with lavish studies of seashells, starfish, jellyfish and more. Despite my absolute love for abstract expressionism, meditative drawing and non-objective automatic art, I might just get more involved with the online art community and make a mermaid drawing this year before the month is over. What do you think- should I give that a try? My Etsy shop is here, if you're into natural crystal and gemstone talismans: And as always, THANK YOU to my Patrons over at Patreon who sponsor my channel and make videos like this one possible. If you'd like to become a Patron, you can join is in our monthly Zoom group call, get access to some exclusive videos made just for them, private messaging within the Patreon site and exclusive printable art files.