Channel: Doronsmovies
Category: Gaming
Tags: wow dragonflightdoronsmovieswow new expansionwarcraftworld of warcraftloredragon aspectsyt:cc=onnew wow cinematictyrholdtyrwow cinematicdragonflight cinematic explainedwow loredragonflight cinematic breakdowntitan watchersdragonflight cinematicwow shadowlandsdragonflighttitan keeperwarcraft lorestonebrowow
Description: Dragonflight cinematic was just released but with the announcement, it left a lot of mysteries. Analyze your raid, m+, pvp performance completely free: -------------------------- ► Merchandise: ► Support the channel on Patreon: ►Join me on Discord: ► Follow me on ► Follow me on Twitter: ► Follow me on Facebook: Music: Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: WoW Dragonflight was just announced and with all the new features annouced it also left a lot of mysteries in regards to what is actually going on. We are seeing some brand new characters that we had never seen before such as the titan watchers that were left in charge of the Dragon Isles. However why were the dragon isles even hidden, who is this titan watcher guy in the cinematic and most importantly with Tyrs Hold is the defeated Titan Keeper in the cinematic actually Tyr and did they just retcon a significant portion of the Chronicle? All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I'd be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at