Channel: OperatorPerry
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: james yarboroughdownpourryan eastoperatorperrymarylandbilly perryjohn rificithrillerdavid lowe biancosteve grancelltom schmittlaserstarcanon c100short filmfrederickdrama72filmfest
Description: Created entirely in 72 hours for the 72 Film Fest in Frederick, Maryland. Winner of Best of the Festival, Best Professional, Best Cinematography and Best Sound. The criteria this year was Tarot. Our criteria was simply "A secret willing to be shared." Featuring Tom Schmitt, James Yarborough, and Billy Perry. Directed by Billy Perry. Cinematography and Editing by Steve Grancell. Produced by Ryan East. Story by David Lowe-Bianco, Billy Perry, Steve Grancell, Tom Schmitt, James Yarborough, and Ryan East Gaffed by John Rifici Sound by Hugh Wielenga Music by Blacksona ( Hope you enjoy!