Channel: WhyKnot
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how to tie paracordwhy knotwhyknotcross knotparacord kreuzhow to make a cross with paracordparachute cord crossparacord cross tutorialparacord cross charmthings to make with paracordparacord cross instructionsparacord cross weavecruz paracordparacord crossparacord knotscross paracordparacord craftscrossdiy macrame crosshow to make a paracord crossparacordparachute cord550 cord crosstying paracordparacord cross keychain
Description: Knot tying video tutorial. Learn how to make a double connection knot paracord cross. Easy step by step instructions in this simple guide. Knots used: double connection knot (two strand Matthew Walker Knot), Turk's head button knot (Celtic button) Materials used: 2 x 80 cm (32 inches) 1 x 45cm 18 inches) 550 paracord If you like paracord bracelets check out my other channel, dedicated just to bracelets: ****************************************************************** I would love to see your knotted creations. Feel free to join and post up at the WhyKnot facebook group. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Splicing three strand rope is easier than you think. learn how in my most popular video. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-