Channel: Primed
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: don't set goals do thissetgoalnever set goalssetting goals vs implementing systemswhy you should never set another goal againset systemsimplement systemssystems vs goalsimplementing systemsoptimize yourselflifefamily friendlyprimedgoal settinghow to implement systemsset systems not goalsdon't set goalsgoals
Description: Optimize Yourself Mentally - My Own Playlist: Audible 30 day free trail: Website: Instagram: Primed Book that describes goals vs systems: Be Remarkable by Patrick King on Amazon: Chasing a goal is like chasing your own shadow, the faster you run the faster it moves. However in your mind, you’re convinced that once you reach it that’s when you will truly feel happy. But the shadow you’re trying so hard to catch is just an illusion of your perceived happiness. Setting goals will make you feel constantly stressed and like you’re never truly fulfilled. However if you’re actually reaching your goal, you check that of your list and realized that it didn’t make you happier and you’re on to next more daunting one. When you reach that next goal, that is when you will be truly satisfied is the lie you tell yourself over and over. The truth about goal setting is that the closer you get to actually reaching it, the more they change, evolve, and grow, becoming more elusive. This will become a huge problem for you if your idea of fulfillment and happiness is based on the achievements of specific goals. Chasing your goals will put you in a state of discontent and hunger. It will bash on your own self worth and you’re defining yourself by an achievement that you’ve never achieved. To live a life based on goals might make the achievements and material assets grow, but it will never make you truly happy or fulfilled. Take Robin Williams for example. Did anyone actually dislike him? The guy was a lovable genius who achieved everything. He started out with nothing and decided that he wants to start in his own TV-show and does it. He decided to get more money than he can spend in a lifetime and makes that happen. Movie-star, winning Oscars, a beautiful family. The man seemed to have it all. Achieving everything he ever dreamed of. And then he hanged himself. An absolutely devastating loss. I know this is an extreme example but it shows that if you’re not fulfilled, you have nothing. So what should you do instead of setting goals? Implement systems. A system based approach to life consistently leads to increased happiness, fulfillment, and achievement. You could compare it to finishing a big paper versus writing 4 times a week. Finishing a paper is a goal. A singular activity with a specific point in time where you consider yourself a worthy winner. However failure is always a possibility, and you will become heavily frustrated if you can’t meet your goal. It’s simply an unnecessary source of self-imposed stress that you are piling on to yourself. Compare that to a system based approach where you simply write for 20 minutes each session. This approach doesn’t require a singular achievement to measure your success. Your success is measured by sticking to your system. You create a powerful habit and a sense of consistency that leads to greater instances of success in whatever you choose to do. It’s a sustainable approach that brings happiness because you’re constantly achieving what you set out to do. A system is tailored toward equipping you for success, and it embraces dedication and consistency which a goal often does not embody. A goal in itself is not that different from a dream because they both lack the foundation necessary to reach them. This is why most people get discouraged when trying to reach a goal, because it always seems so far off. Instead focus on building the groundwork and the steps to get there. People with a system-based approach continuously rise to the top. The reason for their success is not because of luck, but because of the recognition that a long-term approach is needed. Winning the lottery is a goal or a dream that requires luck, but requires no recognition of long-term improvement. And more than often, winning the lottery will not make their life better in the long-term but the exact opposite. It’s the consistency of a system that allows you to create a foundation for the kind of knowledge and skill set you need to reach ultimate success. If you implement a system-based approach and do certain things on a regular basis, you’re will enhance your chances of becoming successful and you will most likely enjoy every step of the way. Like Tony Robbins says it, the secret to happiness in one word is progress. So remember that goals are something you might get lucky and reach the odd time while feeling dissatisfied on the way there, but systems makes success inevitable, and you will be able to rely on them in the long term while feeling truly fulfilled in the process. Music: Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: