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DON'T fall asleep at the Dentist!! (Ft. @RushLight Invader)

Duration: 04:28Views: 1.1MLikes: 25.2KDate Created: Apr, 2017

Channel: TheAMaazing

Category: Film & Animation

Tags: amaazinganimationsgood sleeping habitssleep habitskindergartentheamaazingsleep too muchrush lightsleeping habitsrushlightinvaderbad sleeping habitssleepingamaazing animationssleeprushlight invaderft. rushlight invadersleep betterthe kindergartenrushlightsleeping too muchft. rushlightamaazingthe amaazingrush light invaderamaazinganimation

Description: After grueling through some rough nights, I decided to tell you guys stories about my bad sleeping habits, including how I fall asleep at the Dentist. I hope you enjoy my problems of being able to sleep anywhere hahaha. Thanks to Rush, my eccentric pal, for lending his voice. Check out his stuff! Channel: youtube.com/user/RushLightInvader Twitter: twitter.com/RushLightInvadr ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out my BRAND NEW MERCH! - maartianwear.com SUBSCRIBE for more~ youtube.com/AMaazingAnima... SOCIAL MEDIA~ Twitter - twitter.com/TheAMaazing Facebook - facebook.com/TheAMaazing Instagram - instagram.com/TheAMaazing Discord - discord.gg/CNy8H4c Patreon - patreon.com/TheAMaazing Vidme - vid.me/TheAMaazing Fanart? Sent it on Facebook or Twitter. If you can't/don't have an account, you can also email it to theamaazing33@gmail.com. Music: Music by Mark. For inquiries email him at mcmhimself@gmail.com

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