Channel: Spanish With Paul
Category: Education
Tags: spanishpresent tenselearn spanishconfiarverbspanish with paullessonvideoconjugationspanishwithpaul.comspanish for beginnersspanish lessonstutorialtensebeginner spanish lessonclass
Description: A simple formula to give (and ask for) trust in Spanish using the verb confiar! So easy you can start using it right away. DOWNLOAD THE COURSE BOOK: MINI COURSE SERIES: MONDAY LESSON SERIES: Hi everyone, Paul here :) Being able to say you trust someone (or don't) is powerful in Spanish. It's not just limited to people either. The formula I'll give you here will also work for saying whether or not you trust anything in general! We'll work on it from different angles so that by the end of this lesson you should pretty confident with using it. Confident enough to start using it in your own spoken Spanish right away. As always, whenever you learn something new, the best way to reinforce it is to actively seek out opportunites to include it (say it) in your conversations... even if those conversations are only with yourself! It doesn't matter. See you all next Monday! Paul P.S - For those of you wanting more, my complete course (away from YouTube) is ready! It'll take you all the way into full conversational fluency as painlessly as possible as well as 1-1 access to me personally to coach you every step of the way :-) .