Channel: Pengicitis
Category: Entertainment
Tags: habitseducationaleducationbrandsbusinessdatacartoonmotivationpengicitisthe power of habithistorybrainanimationmarketingpsychologycharles duhiggdopaminepenguinfunny
Description: Everyone has habits! They're a part of life. This video I'll be talking about how they work, and the psychology of marketing and why it's important. -------------------------- Thanks to my patrons: Sparkcion Chipflake Goulash Josh AlphaKnight1 Shampee ►SUPPORT MY VIDEOS: ►TWITTER: ( for updates on future videos and dumb stuff ) ►DISCORD: ✪ MUSIC ✪ ♪ George Street Shuffle and others by Kevin Macleod ( ♪ The UNDERTALE OST by Toby Fox ♪ Sonne Immage Music ( You're one of the 10% who actually read the descriptions! Here's some love for taking the time. ❤