Channel: Sek Austria
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: shopscrhomemadepinoychannelsek austriasimpletoolsrotary welding tablehomemade welding tablerim and car hub hackcar rim hackdiylinear actuatorfilipinosekdiy welding tableinventorlow speed motoraustriathe best rotary welding tablediy spining welding tablediy rotary table using car rims
Description: Project no.117 Homemade WELDING ROTARY TABLE The Projects came out good, i would be more glad if i have a lathe chuck lying around so i can test it while the table spins. i used a low speed motor and connected in a 4000watts scr to control the speed, and linear actuator to tilt the table. LIKE MY FACEBOOK PAGE SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL AND SUPPORT ME ON PATREON Like Share Subscribe for a Weekly Videos #SekAustria #DIY #Homemade