Channel: Mo Clay
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how tofimoeasy jewellery making at homearcilla polimericadiy necklacedo it yourselfmodern jewellerydiymo clay tutorialshow to make jewellerydije en arcillatrucospolymer clay tutorialpolymer clay jewelryoriental jewelscrafting jewelryarcilla polimerica joyeriamonica restamillefiori canecraft work easymo clay canesflower pendantdiy jewelleryholiday craftsdiy polymer clay necklacemo clay
Description: In this video tutorial I will show you how to make a pendant using a glass and polymer clay. Have fun!! and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! weekly videos on WEDNESDAY and SUNDAY. EXPAND! info in: English, Español, Italiano, Français materials and tools i used: - Polymer clay (Fimo, Sculpey, Cernit, Premo, PVclay, etc.) - blade - glass - aluminum foil - toothpick - rolling pin or pasta machine - oven Polymer clay Items must be cooked to 110 ° C, following manufacturer's instructions. Check out my playlists here: Want to know about Halloween and holidays craft? Want to know about millefiori? Want to know about jewelry? Music: "Parkside " by Dan Lebowitz Youtube Audio Library Brief music Introduction: "Sing Along with Jim" by Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 ——————————— Te mostraré cómo hacer un colgante usando arcilla polimérica y un vidrio para obtener una superficie lisa y brillante. Espero que lo disfrutes! Materiales y herramientas que he utilizado: - Arcilla polimérica (Fimo, Sculpey, Cernit, Premo, Kato clay, etc.) - bisturí, cuchilla - vidrio - papel de aluminio - palillo de dientes - Rodillo o laminadora - Horno Los artículos hechos con arcillas poliméricas deben cocinarse a 110 ° C en un horno común, siguiendo las instrucciones del fabricante. -------------------------- Je vais vous montrer comment faire un pendentif en utilisant de l'argile polymère et un verre pour obtenir une surface lisse et brillante. J'espère que vous l'apprécierez! Matériaux et outils que j'ai utilisé: - Pâte polymère (Fimo, Sculpey, Cernit, Premo, Kato clay, etc.) - lame - verre - papier d'aluminium - un cure-dent - rouleau à pâtisserie ou machine à pâtes - Four Les articles doivent être cuits à 110 ° C dans un four commun, suivant les instructions du fabricant de pâte polymère. ————————— Ti mostrerò come realizzare un ciondolo utilizzando argilla polimerica e un bicchiere per ottenere una superficie liscia e lucida. Spero ti piaccia! Materiali e attrezzature che ho usato: - Argilla polimerica (Fimo, Sculpey, Cernit, Premo, PVclay, ecc.) - lama - bisturi - carta aluminio - stuzzicadenti - Matterello o macchina per la pasta - Forno Gli oggetti, se realizzati con le argille polimeriche,devono essere cotti a 110 ° C in forno comune, seguendo le istruzioni del produttore.