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DIY Mosaic Brooch with crakele effect - Polymer clay tutorial

Duration: 04:01Views: 15KLikes: 841Date Created: Apr, 2018

Channel: Mo Clay

Category: Howto & Style

Tags: how toeasy jewellery makingjewelry miniaturesjewelry makingmoclaymosaic artfimopendantcrakele effectbrooch diyclayमिट्टीdo it yourselfjewelry making tutorialscraqueladodiymosaicopolymer claymosaicpolymer clay tutorialpolymer clay jewelrybrooch handmadeबहुलकcraquelémonica restadiy projectsbrooch pin diymo clay tutorialholiday craftsjewellery designmo clayhow to make a brooch pinjewelry making for beginners

Description: I will show you how to make a mosaic brooch with tesserae made with crackle effect and acrylic colors. Have fun and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! ‪goo.gl/Wu0qF1‬ Weekly videos on WEDNESDAY and SUNDAY. EXPAND! info in: English, Español, Italiano, Français. materials and tools i used: - polymer clay (Fimo, Sculpey, Premo, Cernit, PVClay, etc.) - Blade, scalpel - silver foil sheet - White glue - Acrylic colors - Varnish - rolling pin or pasta machine - oven Items must be cooked to 110 °C, following manufacturer's instructions. Check out my playlists here: goo.gl/oCQixw Want to know about pendants? goo.gl/KTEMJ2 Want to know about wire frame? goo.gl/mCtaKo Want to know more about gift ideas? goo.gl/V4fZyo Music: "Summer Days" by Nicolai Heidlas licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 soundcloud.com/nicolai-heidlas Brief music Introduction: "Sing Along with Jim" by Kevin MacLeod incompetech.com Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 ——————————— Te mostraré cómo hacer un broche de mosaico con teselas hechas con efecto craquelado y colores acrílicos. ¡diviértete! Materiales y herramientas que he utilizado: - arcilla polimérica (Fimo, Sculpey, Premo, Cernit, PVClay, etc.) - cuchilla, bisturí - lámina plateada - Pegamento blanco - Colores acrílicos - Barniz - Rodillo, o máquina de pasta - horno Los artículos deben cocinarse a 110 ° C en un horno común, siguiendo las instrucciones del fabricante. --------------------- Dans ce vidéo tutoriel, je vais vous montrer comment faire une broche en mosaïque avec des tesselles faites avec un effet craquelé et des couleurs acryliques. Regardez la vidéo et amusez-vous! Matériaux et outils que j'ai utilisé: - argile polymère (Fimo, Sculpey, Premo, Cernit, PVClay, etc.) - Lame, scalpel - feuille d'argent - Colle blanche - Couleurs acryliques - Vernis - Rouleau à pâtisserie, ou machine à pâtes - four Les articles doivent être cuits à 110ºC par 20/30 minutes dans un four commun, suivant les instructions du fabricant de pâte polymère. ————————— Ti mostrerò come realizzare una spilla a mosaico con tessere realizzate con effetto craquelé e colori acrilici. Divertiti! Materiali e strumenti che ho usato: - argilla polimerica (Fimo, Sculpey, Premo, Cernit, PVClay, ecc.) - Lama, bisturi - lamina d'argento - Colla bianca vinilica - Colori acrilici - vernice lucida - matterello o macchina per la pasta - forno Gli oggetti devono essere cotti a 110ºC per 20/30 minuti in forno comune, seguendo le istruzioni del produttore della argilla polimerica.

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