Channel: Withjack Workshops
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how toraspberry pi 3diy video gamecheap arcaderaspberry piraspberry pi arcadedo it yourselfemulation stationhow to make a raspberry pi arcadewoodworkingdiymake your own arcaderaspberry pi projectsretro pierpi projectsgamingarcade buildhowtorpi arcadewood arcaderetro arcadearcadediy arcadecustom arcadeemulatorhow to make an arcadevideo games
Description: Watch the FULL tutorial on making your own arcade from scratch: Hey folks, fun project for you today - making a custom all-in-one portable arcade system that hooks up to modern TV's via HDMI. To accomplish this, I used a Raspberry Pi 3 loaded with RetroPie emulation software along with any and all classic video games and arcades games you can ever want! Want your own custom artwork? Let me know! I can design it for you. Email me here: Here's the shopping list: Raspberry Pi 3: Arcade Controls: MicroSD Card: RetroPie Software: And if you don't have one already, you'll need an SD or Micro SD card reader, a screen that accepts HDMI or an HDMI adapter for the screen you're using, and of course, a USB thumb drive to load games onto the RPi. For the Game ROMs, just google the name of the game plus the game system and then the word ROM at the end (EXAMPLE: "Gauntlet NES ROM") and download the ZIP and rename it to whatever you'd like and then load that onto the RPi. If you'd like a COMPLETE beginners guide on how to do all of this, start to finish, let me know in the comments, Thanks for watching! --------------------------------------------------------------- Help support my free videos! Patreon: Stay up-to-date on what I'm building on Instagram: @BrettWithjack © Brett Withjack | Withjack Workshops More about me: Store: Withjack Workshops is a series of DIY videos showcasing fun and easy projects ranging anywhere from woodworking, restoration, and electronics of all kinds. The projects run the spectrum of easy to difficult, needing certain tools to accomplish but still easily completed by yourself. This particular video is a part of the series where I'm creating items for my Etsy shop to be sold online or just for the heck of it to try my hand at creating something new for the enjoyment of making, in which I can only hope it inspires you to make something yourself. Enjoy and subscribe!